Ski Jump International
Press Keyboard right side: Alt+Enter keys to switch to full screen game play, and Alt+Enter keys to return.
How to play Ski Jump International
Each game uses different controls, most DOS games use the keyboard arrows. Some will use the mouse.
Ski Jump International Description
International Ski Jump - a series of computer games of skill of ski jumping , designed for personal computers . The first part of the series was released in 1994. The author of games is a Finnish programmer Ville Kononen . The first part of the series was released on license freeware , while another two under license shareware . In December 2013 years the third version of the game has been licensed freeware
The first part of the series offered a mode of the World Cup Tournament team and practice. In the second part on the model of the Four Hills Tournament emerged Four Hills America. In the third part of the Four Hills Tournament replaced the Four Hills America, have been added to the Custom modes Cup and the King of Hills. The third part of the game has 20 jumps associated with the World Cup Tournament
ski jump international v3
S J 3 (c) ville könönen 1994-
Concept, Design, Programming,
Graphics, Webpages and What Not..................Ville Könönen
Additional Programming & Graphics.................Lasse Makkonen
Account Managers..................................Morten Indahl
Stas Szczurek
Translations......................................Ville Könönen
Sebastian Rönnlund
Johan Steen
Kenneth Aune Moum
Ottmar Roth
The Ant
Maciej Krzyzanowski
Mikk Hein
Jan Habrdle
Michal Hapala
Cyril Koechlin
Caroline Fedry
Hermanni Virtanen
Vittorio di Vincentis
Filip Wojcieszyn
Allan Hovland
Tomislav Pavlovic
Ivan Milenkovic
Beta Testers......................................Hannu Ahokas
Juha Kupiainen
Kenneth Aune Moum
Janne Pullinen
Matias Pusa
Ingve Rosseland
Kimmo Yliriesto
Mario Mali Kolic
Jyri Memonen
Simon Bernad
Martin Pelz
Kari Painio
Pavel Skerlj
The author would like to personally thank the following:
Lasse Makkonen Oddvar Reiakvam
Mikko Aalto Ville Rautamo
Janne Heinonen Rennie Watt
Simo Virokannas Markus Könönen
Johannes Lahti Helsinki University of Technology
Toni Välitorppa and especially it's Computing Centre!
Reijo Kalenius Anssi Leinonen
Family Könönen Toni Turtinen
Family Voima Ilpo Korkko
Jukka Hujanen Teppo Jalava
Mika Siltala Janne Ruuttunen
Marko Mustonen Antti Peisa
Kimmo Yliriesto Seppo Tolonen
Denthor Mad Mario Kolic
Rauli Arjatsalo Eric Hagfors
Karol Nowak Antti "SWA" Suhonen
Maciek Laskowski Mateusz Krasucki
Märt Muttika Inge Borthne
+ all the nice people who have took the time to mail me
w/ comments and stuff in the last few years.
& especially all the wonderful people who used a bit of time and money
to register SJ3 & SJ2! Without your effort none of this would exist!
Thank you all very much.
Programs used during the development of SJ3:
Borland Pascal 7.0 (c) Borland International
Deluxe Paint 2.3E (c) Electronic Arts
Irfanview 32-bit 3.15 (c) Irfan Skiljan
EditPad 3.5.1 (c) Jan Goyvaerts

Ski Jump International - additional information