Tournament Table
How to play Tournament Table
Each game uses different controls, Games can have combination of mouse,keyboard and Joystick.
Tournament Table Description
Tournament Table is an Atari arcade game released in 1978. Video Olympics is the name of the Atari 2600 version. The Tournament Table is essentially a multi-game arcade featuring several Pong variations. After entering a coin, the player is prompted to select one of the available games. The game includes:
Soccer (2 versions) (2 variations)
Hockey (3 variants) (3 variations)
Handball Quadra Pong
Basketball (2 versions) (2 variations)
The sole one-player game is Breakout; the others are for two, three, or four players. Have fun playing Tournament Table on Classic Reload! (Try pressing 1, 5, Alt, or Ctrl to insert a coin or play the game.)

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